But when
the Comforter (Counsellor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby)
Whom I will send to you from the Father,
Whom I will send to you from the Father,
the Spirit of Truth Who comes
(proceeds) from the Father,
He [Himself] will testify regarding Me. (John
The Spirit of Truth, the Father’s Holy Spirit, is with us and in us.
I was reading John chapters 14-16 on a
morning after a difficult few days, and decided to write out Jesus' promises
for myself. I realised that I needed to proclaim these words over my life, to
cling on to His truth despite what circumstances and feelings told me.
Jesus' encouragement to His disciples gave me a different perspective,
and helped me to be thankful and hopeful. I'm not facing real persecution
right now (although many believers around the world are), but Abba sees where I
am and His Spirit helps me to see where He is.
This is not meant to be self-pitying or self-indulgent, but hopefully these rough meditations upon the Holy Spirit's loving ministry in the midst of our weakness will encourage you to keep going, too. Because He is already victorious.
Holy Spirit comforts me.
Holy Spirit counsels me.
Holy Spirit helps me.
Holy Spirit intercedes for
Holy Spirit is my Advocate.
Holy Spirit strengthens me.
Holy Spirit is my Standby.
He gives me Hope when it seems dark.
He gives me Peace when Stress tries to take over.
He helps me to see clearly when things are overwhelming and confusing.
He is close when my heart is broken.
He keeps me in a safe place when fear tried to ripple me.
He hides me in the shadow of His wings when the enemy lies and plots
against me.
He is always with me and never lets me go.
Holy Spirit counsels me when
I don’t know the way.
He helps me to make the right decision.
He guides me and shines a light into the whole truth, so I can respond
well to people and to situations.
He gives me words of life and builds me up.
He works in me compassion for others, and graciously lets me go through
the difficult times to learn patience, compassion and understanding.
He will make all things new.
Holy Spirit helps me when it seems like no one else will or can.
He equips me when I feel I just can’t do it.
He picks me up when I’ve fallen over.
He gives me the leg-up over the insurmountable wall.
He gives me the solution when I’m in distress.
He helps me to find things when I’ve lost them.
He helps me to find Jesus when I’ve lost sight of Him.
He brings me back into the light when I’ve lost myself.
Holy Spirit intercedes for
me, to get things moving on this earth.
He knows what to pray when I don’t.
He’s praying for me in those dangerous moments.
He’s praying for me for things no one else knows about.
He wins my battles for me.
He always protects me.
He’s fighting on my behalf, even when I don’t have a clue what’s going
He commands angels to flank me in my work, ministry and family: to
protect us, minister to us, and kick the enemies’ butts.
Holy Spirit is my Advocate, when no one else is on my side.
He legally trumps every other authority against me.
He understands me.
He is working on my case whilst I’m a work-in-progress.
He declares that I’m justified, clean, holy and blameless when the
accuser’s yapping and sneering.
He is my Protector and my Defender.
He reminds me of my righteousness.
He trains me with grace and with discipline.
He loves me too much to let me stay the same.
He says I’m ready when I don’t feel worthy.
He guides me into the whole truth when the lies bombard me.
Holy Spirit strengthens me
when I’ve lost my grip.
He upholds me with His right hand when I can’t go on.
He gives me deep inner strength to keep standing in the storms.
He strengthens my arm when I just can’t hold on any longer.
He gives me confidence to glory in my weakness.
He gives me revelation of Jesus’ strength and beauty when I feel weak
and insignificant.
He shows me Jesus’ greater power when the giants are mean.
He gives me new faith when the mountains seem too huge.
He knows what He’s doing, and will complete what He’s started in me.
His provision never runs out.
Holy Spirit is my Standby
when I’ve lost strength and hope.
He steps in in power and glory when I’ve faded.
He is so humble, so He waits to take over ‘til I’ve given up.
He always serves, and helps me to get over my pride.
He is always ready, can always be relied on, and is never too busy to
He is my staunch supporter and will never stop believing in me.
He is the One holding me up, so I can’t let Him down.
His love never gets bored and is never too disappointed to care.
He is always faithful, even, and especially, when I’m not.
He is abundantly able to fill in for my lack.
He is my Rock; He’s never put off by my weakness: in fact, it attracts
You are such a good Leader. I trust You and I love You.
You are good all the time,
even the times I couldn’t see it.
Your grace is enough, on the
eve of my worst days and on the dawn of fresh starts.
You brush away the ashes of my failures, call me Beautiful and set a
crown upon my head – just because You love me, and because Jesus has already
paid the price.
You give me songs through my tears, and You birth in me a new song after I’ve lost my voice.
You remind me that Abba calls me Honoured Daughter when the world had
called me useless.
You lift my head, and in Your eyes I can see that I don’t have to be
You are full of joy and understanding.
You lead me in hope and expectation of good, and tell me that there’s
always more!